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Importance of Sunscreen

Indigo The Salon

With the summer heat in full swing, there’s one thing you won't want to forget before stepping out the door; Sunscreen. Being fully protected from the sun is the best type of skincare you can give yourself and it doesn’t always have to involve slathering yourself with lotion.

Why Wear Sunscreen?

Even on a cloudy day, there is still a chance you could get sunburned or suffer negative effects from the sun. The reason you should be careful when it comes to sun exposure is that it can easily cause skin cancer. 1 in 5 Americans will have skin cancer by the age of 70 and making sure you stay safe can greatly decrease those chances.

Safe Sunscreen Tips

Finding ‘The One’

The first thing to do is find the best sunscreen that works with your skin. Since everyone differs in skin texture, making sure to find the right type of formula that works with your skin instead of against it is important. Think about buying tinted sunscreen. It has ingredients that provide extra protection, making sure the different UV rays from the sun don't penetrate into your skin. Knowing what range of SPF to use is a key factor when selecting your sunscreen. Most recommend using SPF 30 or higher for all skin types.


Once you’ve found the sunscreen that best suits your needs, make sure you apply it before you go out. Applying your sunscreen early, about a half an hour before you leave the house, is a good habit to get into since it takes around that time to really soak into your skin. As you apply, make sure to cover all the skin that is exposed. Even the tops of your feet can become sunburned if not adequately protected. Make sure to also apply every couple of hours. The longer you are exposing yourself to the sun, the more chances you have of getting burned.

The best part about protecting your skin is you don’t always need to use sunscreen to protect yourself. Wearing a cute hat and breathable but covering clothing can keep you cool and shaded from the sun’s rays.

After the Sun

While you might not see any burns, it’s always important to keep your skin properly hydrated. Using lotion after hours in the sun can hydrate your skin and, when you do get a sunburn, it can help lessen the peeling that happens.

Overall, be safe when enjoying the sun, and remember to enjoy it in moderation.

Visit Us

Indigo The Salon in Jefferson City is a perfect place to find trusted products and, with a dedicated team of stylists, a great place to learn about maintaining a healthy routine for your hair.

To schedule an appointment, consultation, or ask us a question, call (573) 636-3445, or email

We are open Tuesday through Thursday 11:00 - 8:00, Friday 9:00 - 5:00, and Saturday 9:00 - 3:00 (varies). Closed on Sunday & Monday

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